Dear respected participant, Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatu Allahi wa Barakatuh

AMRDC is looking forward to publishing "Muslims of North Texas" early 2023 in sha Allah. The book will cover three main areas:
1) Accurate narrative of the history of every institution that ever existed in North Texas
2) Highlight the major contributions of North Texas Muslims to the society we live in
3) Show the true composition of the North Texas Muslim community through a demographic study

This form is meant to help us satisfy item #3.
Your cooperation is essential for the successful completion of this unique research. Please answer as many questions as you can and as accurately as possible. JAK

If you did not get this survey from a specific Mosque or through its mailing list (was forwarded to you by a friend for instance), please choose "Some other way" instead of a specific Masjid name.

==> (1) Gender, Age, Marital Status, & Children <==
Center 1 Center 2
The following two questions are TO BE ANSWERED BY HEAD OF HOUSEHOLD ONLY. If it is not you, please have the head of your household fill out the survey
Under 6 years 6 - 18 years Over 18 years
Islamic school Private school Public school Charter school Home schooling College / University
==> (2) Education & Employment <==
==> (3) Ethnicity & Residency <==
Father Mother
Year Born in North Texas
==> (4) Political & Civic Engagement <==
==> (5) Other Questions <==